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Marketing & Digital Advertising Blog

Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis Technologies team.

How Marketing Organizations are Investing in AI

To make informed investment decisions about AI, leaders must understand its risks as well as how their peers are approaching paid AI tools.

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Blog Posts

Part II: Dimensions of Digital Video

We live in a video world and Heather Robertson is a video girl expert. Yesterday, Centro, in partnership with the ...

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Catering to the Cross-Channel Customer: Takeaways from Argyle and a Brand New Video

I had the pleasure of attending the Argyle CMO Leadership Forum in San Francisco last week.  If you haven’t been, ...

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Mobile and Programmatic Are a Dominant Combination 

Earlier last week we announced that Centro was teaming up with the AMA to host a webinar, “Essential Tips for Programmatic ...

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As School Ends, Back to School Buying Begins

The dog days of summer are upon us, kids are out of school, summer vacations are booked, and over the ...

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#3TbyCentro: The Road So Far

St. Louis, Kansas City, Nashville, and Oklahoma City are in the books. After four shows in the last two weeks ...

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Video Anywhere, Video Everywhere

The Rise in Connected TV The need for us to always – and in all ways – be connected is ...

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Feet on the Street: Where in the World is Centro

Welcome back to a new edition of Feet on the Street! The third week of our 3T Programmatic Roadshow is ...

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The Rise of Digital Video: Is Your Brand in Full View?

Have you met Jennifer? More importantly, has Jennifer met you? Jennifer started her morning doing yoga along with her favorite ...

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#CentroInAction: A Digital Boost for Enrollment

The Challenge Heading into the fall semester, a local university needed to boost enrollment numbers in its core and specialty ...

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