Resource Center

Connected TV

Gift packages with bows, sitting on a table at the beach.
Jun 26 2024

Trends and Strategies for Successful Holiday Marketing Campaigns in 2024

Make the most of the 2024 holiday advertising opportunity with these trends, forecasts, and expert insights.
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Connected TV Resources

The Ultimate Guide to Political Advertising in 2024

Get all the latest and greatest tips, tactics, insights, and strategies that are key to ensuring a successful political advertising campaign in 2024.

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Convergent TV Advertising in 2024

Learn how digital advertisers can navigate the convergent TV advertising landscape and make the most of their TV ad spending in 2024.

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Video Unleashed: The Ultimate Guide to Digital Video Advertising

Discover all the ways you can leverage digital video to create customer journeys that engage and inspire with this comprehensive guide.

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Going Deep on Live Sports Advertising Opportunities

The live sports broadcast landscape is changing. See how sports advertisers can effectively reach and connect with fans in the digital age.

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The Ultimate Guide to Direct Response Marketing

A deep dive into how digital marketers can utilize direct response marketing to drive conversions and increase brand loyalty.

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Political Connected TV Advertising: Your Guide to This Must-See Opportunity

Does your digital video strategy reach audiences where they view video? Learn the ins and outs of political CTV advertising with this guide.

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Convergent TV Advertising During in its Most Dramatic Season Yet

How can advertisers navigate all the change and uncertainty in the TV landscape? We called on two of our experts to find out.

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What can Higher Education Marketers Do About the Enrollment Cliff?

Learn what the college enrollment cliff is, and explore some strategies marketers can use to address the challenges it poses.

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Who the Digital Advertising Channels Would Be at a Holiday Cookout

What kind of person would each digital advertising channel be at a cookout? We've done the research, and are here to share our findings.

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