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Marketing & Digital Advertising Blog

Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis Technologies team.

How Marketing Organizations are Investing in AI

To make informed investment decisions about AI, leaders must understand its risks as well as how their peers are approaching paid AI tools.

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Blog Posts

Centro DSP Spotlight: Campaign Optimization – Don’t Just Set It and Forget It

Running a successful campaign starts well before launch. Demand-side platforms, such as Centro DSP, offer a wealth of targeting options, ...

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(Virtual) Reality Check: A New Way Marketers Can Tell Their Story

Throughout this year, we’re seeing more and more excitement around Virtual Reality (VR). You couldn’t walk the floor at CES ...

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Not All Ad Exchanges Are Created Equal

As the flow of advertising dollars shift more and more to automation – programmatic digital display ad spending in the ...

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Advertising Jobs in the Digital Age

"One of the hottest jobs in NYC right now is a digital media, or ad, buyer. According to Kelly Wenzel, ...

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4 strategies to protect yourself from ad fraud

"Ad fraud is a big problem with a big price tag. In an ever-adaptive landscape, marketers should always embrace defensive ...

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Why This Ad Ops Firm Never Makes a Mistake

"At ad tech firm Centro, reports for digital campaigns and screenshots of digital ads used to take up to 20% ...

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Why YOU Should Join One of the Best Workplaces for Millennials in the U.S.

Centro takes great pride in our workplace culture, and it shows with the national and local awards we’ve received around ...

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Digital Innovations Awesome List: Amazon, Pinterest, and YouTube Improvements

At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time consuming. ...

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Why Generational Marketing Is Too General For Its Own Good

"Marketers shouldn’t hang their hats on generational segmentation. It’s true that people born after 1980, especially those who have never ...

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