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Marketing & Digital Advertising Blog

Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis Technologies team.

How Marketing Organizations are Investing in AI

To make informed investment decisions about AI, leaders must understand its risks as well as how their peers are approaching paid AI tools.

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Blog Posts

Programmatic Advertising 101: What’s In It for Publishers?

Last week, we answered questions surrounding DSPs. Because that was geared toward advertisers and agencies, we’re turning our attention this ...

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Breaking Down Buzzwords: Terms You Should Know

You’re new to the digital media industry, and it’s your first week on the job. In meetings, co-workers are throwing ...

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Centro DSP Spotlight: Pacing and Budget Management Updates

We continue to release product features, updates, and functionality within our DSP to make your day-to-day campaign management more effective ...

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Sell Local: The Digital Ad Budgets Publishers Are Overlooking

Most national magazines, newspapers, and websites don’t have the sales resources to connect with regional advertisers. Instead, they focus on ...

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Digital Innovations Awesome List

At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time consuming. To ...

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#CentroCareers | This Is the Place For You

Interested in joining the Centro team? Check out our hottest openings of the week and apply today! Midwest Financial Analyst ...

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What is Header Bidding & Why Should You Care?

Header bidding is the talk “du jour” in the world of ad tech, but many still don’t have a good ...

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No Matter Who Takes the Election, Mobile Wins Big in 2016

"If you’re wondering how deeply mobile technology has permeated American culture, look no further than the 2016 presidential race." Read ...

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The Evolution of Snapchat Interactions (and Where They’re Headed Next)

Now is the time for marketers to incorporate Snapchat into their digital strategies. Read more from Centro's Aubry Parks-Fried in ...

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