Centro DSP Spotlight: Pacing View - Basis Technologies
Jan 24 2017
Basis Technologies

Centro DSP Spotlight: Pacing View


Do you dream of pivot tables because you’re spending too much time in spreadsheets? The wealth of data and metrics available for programmatic buyers to assess the health of their campaigns can be overwhelming and difficult to quickly analyze.

Centro DSP has always offered real-time reporting to keep buyers up-to-date. But, in order to help them make even smarter and quicker optimization decisions, we introduced a new pacing view feature on January 17.


Pacing view helps buyers visualize delivery and performance of groups over time. The view combines grid stats and a graphic representation based on flight dates, budget, spend, and KPI goals. Pacing view is integrated directly into the user interface – eliminating the need to export data for visualization in other tools.

Pacing view is also compatible with the Advertiser Spend feature and allows you to track a contracted CPC, CPM, margin, or mark up.

To access this feature: Click Pacing on the left-hand menu to see all of your groups. You will notice the default setting is Active groups, but you can switch to All, All But Archived, and Online. The search bar allows you to easily find a group by name, ID or brand.

In order to take advantage of pacing view make sure all of your campaigns and groups are under brands, and that all groups have flight dates.

For more information on how to make the most of this new feature, please join us for a webinar on January 31st at 1 PM (CST). You can register here.