Our media experts provide context and analyses on the latest search and social news in this monthly roundup.
Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis team.
Our media experts provide context and analyses on the latest search and social news in this monthly roundup.
More Gain, Less Strain. This is a reoccurring theme for the client/agency relationship as emphasized in a recent CMO Council study. Top “strains” include limited knowledge of business and digital landscape, agreed upon performance metrics, integration of marketing plans/services, lack of value add strategic thinking and budget/pricing issues.
According to eMarketer, U.S. online spending will grow 23.3% to $39.5 billion in 2012. Additionally, it will exceed total spend for print magazines and newspapers for the first time. Meanwhile, TV ad spending is expected to grow, albeit at a slower pace, alongside online growth.
ADOTAS – What makes a brand stand out? What makes a brand resonate with consumers? What makes a brand evoke an emotional connection that is so powerful, it turns consumers into brand ambassadors? It’s when a brand can tell an incredibly influential yet simple story that touches a consumer on a personal level.
How many applications are on your phone? Maybe 25? How many of them you use each day? Maybe 5? Most applications are either deleted or remain unused after a few months. Flurry Analytics showed applications only have a 5% retention rate after 6 months. Another report from localytics showed that 26% of users who download an application use it once and never use it again. Most want their applications to be “sticky”, but to effectively do this, applications need to provide a consumer benefit, be refreshed and a have a consistent advertising presence to ensure success.
High adoption rates (85% of iPhone owners have downloaded an app, 84% of Android users) show us that mobile applications definitely meet a specific consumer need. People love their apps!
The digital landscape is increasingly more complex, which makes it even more important to focus on building strategic, integrated plans that leverage paid media to enhance owned media and elevate earned media. Below is a great article that effectively speaks to focusing on this multi-channel approach vs. focusing on individual devices and channels alone. Along with this integrated approach, effective branding is imperative; it’s the glue that ties it all together. Read More: Balancing Paid, Owned and Earned Media a Must for Multichannel Market
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With nearly 40% of the US population now regularly listening to Streaming Audio, it is clear this medium can no longer be considered ‘optional’ by advertisers who employ broadcast radio in their media mix. Beyond the opportunity for advertisers to reach consumers through an additional touch point, the true value of Streaming Audio comes through the increase in brand awareness, ad recall and – most importantly – ad response!
ADOTAS – The holiday season is a time of year to bring friends and families together, to enjoy a plethora of calorie-suffused foods and to buy the perfect gifts for your mom, dad, sister, brother, husband, wife, kids, best friends, co-workers, dog walker, neighbors, etc. You get the point. It’s the season of giving.