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Marketing & Digital Advertising Blog

Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis Technologies team.

How Marketing Organizations are Investing in AI

To make informed investment decisions about AI, leaders must understand its risks as well as how their peers are approaching paid AI tools.

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Blog Posts

Generation Z: The Shiny New Toy for Marketers

For over a decade, marketers have been focusing on Millennials as their cash cow – not only for their enormous ...

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Industry Bootcamp: Advertising Week NYC

September 28th is a big day for Centro and the advertising industry. Today is day one of Advertising Week New ...

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The Many Faces Of Programmatic Ad Fraud

Most of the industry discussion around fraud, however, only scratches the surface in a superficial way and commonly conflates different ...

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Banner-blind as a bat? Social native can solve for that

“Surprise, most of you are already executing native advertising!” That’s Aubry Parks-Fried, Centro’s Native and Social ad expert, delivering one ...

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Why I'm Bullish About Smartwatches

Even as reports speculate that Apple Watch sales have plateaued, my stance remains firm that the future is bright for ...

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Part 1: Millennials: A Generation of Big Spenders

Let’s talk numbers. According to Gallup, 51% of millennials are spending more today than they did a year ago – ...

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#CentroInAction: A Digital Bargain On Social

What do Black Friday, President’s Day and Labor Day all have in common? They’re huge sales events. For big retail ...

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Native Social: Digital Ads go Au Naturel

We all do it – pop over to our favorite website and dial in. We rapidly start closing interstitials, declining ...

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Centro Careers: Hot Jobs in Tech

Since Centro’s inception, we’ve had one goal: to improve the lives of the people behind the campaigns. That’s why we ...

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