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Marketing & Digital Advertising Blog

Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis Technologies team.

How Marketing Organizations are Investing in AI

To make informed investment decisions about AI, leaders must understand its risks as well as how their peers are approaching paid AI tools.

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Blog Posts

#SuperBowlXLIX: Get in the game

For the past 49 years, the Super Bowl has been bringing folks together. What was once a game strictly about ...

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Channel Sales Partner of the Month: Corpus Christi Caller-Times

It’s about time we gave this team a little recognition for what it's been doing! The Corpus Christi Caller-Times has been steadily ...

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A Conversation with Forrester – Part Three: Digital Video Challenges, Measurements, and Case Study

Digital video consumption is transforming how media buyers and planners utilize video in overall marketing efforts. In this three-part series, ...

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RTB Zeitgeist: Should You Keep Programmatic In-House?

Republished from the SiteScout blog. Today advertising is more intelligent and less dense. The uptick of programmatic advertising has played ...

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A Conversation with Forrester – Part Two: Digital Video Planning and Buying

  The growth of digital video consumption is allowing advertisers to be more comfortable with transitioning some TV dollars to ...

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The Digital Innovations Awesome List (DIAL) - #CES2015 Recap

Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me that you built a list of all the awesomeness ...

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Centro at #CES2015: The eBook

There’s no better way to say it: CES was absolutely amazing! From the ONE show to custom tours with Shelly ...

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A Conversation with Forrester – Part One: The Digital Video Landscape

  As consumers continue to fragment their video viewership across screens, digital video is becoming an effective supplement to TV ...

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Tap Into The Power Of Social With This Platform Breakdown

Every day it seems the world is getting more social. As time on mobile devices rises, the time people spend ...

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