Resource Center


Headshot of Ian Trider
Oct 21 2023

Examining the Supply Side

Host Noor Naseer delves into the intricacies of supply path optimization (SPO) with Ian Trider, Basis Technologies' VP of Product (DSP).
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Strategy Resources

The New Long Tail Is No Long Shot

The long tail of the digital advertising beast has primarily been thought of as a weak appendage, hanging around the ...

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Conquer Digital Video with the Four Key Formats

Last year, in response to an industry-wide thirst for education, Centro launched the 3T roadshow. Our internal digital experts visited ...

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Tweet-Cap: Understanding Native Advertising on Social Media

It’s no surprise that consumers are ingesting digital content at greater speeds and on more devices than ever before. What’s ...

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Ad Fraud Continues to Cost Brands Billions

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Native + Social: Better Together

As more consumers consult content before making purchase decisions, savvy marketers search for a way to connect with their audiences ...

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Media’s New Best Friend: A Cross-Channel Strategy

You may have heard - 2015 was a bigger and better year for digital advertising than even the most generous ...

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Two Essential Resources for Fighting Ad Fraud

We’re facing off against a billion dollar bot problem. For all you Star Wars fans out there, we’re not talking ...

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Trends and Investments: Media strategy in an on-demand world

“It’s an on-demand world. We need to make better ads” Said every savvy marketer this year. Successful ad campaigns start ...

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#DigitalZeitgeist: I Created This Awesome Ad for You, Now Respond!

Let’s say you’re an airline CMO and you started a new route to a vacation destination. Who doesn’t love promotional ...

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