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Nov 10 2022

Scout: Next Year’s Marketing Budgets, Backlash from Musk’s Twitter Takeover, and More in This Week’s Digest of Top Digital Marketing Content 

A first look at Netflix's ad tier, TikTok by the numbers, and more feature in this week's digest of top digital marketing content.
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1 65 66 67 68 69 675

Industry News Resources

The Impact of Viewable Impressions and the Need for Multi-Channel Marketing

A viewable impression is the latest metric up for discussion in online advertising. Comscore recently published a whitepaper titled, The Economics of Online Advertising, which provides an in-depth overview of viewable impressions and their impact on the digital industry. What are your thoughts? Is this metric valuable to the industry?

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Online Ad Targeting Based on TV Programs and the U.S. Claims the Mobile Ad Market

Traditional media meets digital media to improve online ad targeting and relevancy, according to a recent AdAge article. A new product released by Datalogix, a data company, aims to let digital ad buyers target ads to people online based on the shows they watch on TV. It matches TV viewing data along with demographic and purchase-behavior data based on TV households, and then matches it up with online cookies. Is this a step forward in integrating traditional and digital media efforts?

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Tablets are Research and Purchasing Tools

According to eMarketer, one in three online consumers will have a tablet by 2014. With tablet penetration growing, new opportunities to capitalize on consumer behaviors arise. With 41% of U.S. adults listing “shopping” as a reason to purchase an iPad, and mobile internet accounting for nearly 10% of all online shopping sessions, consumers are becoming increasingly comfortable using tablets as a product research and purchasing tool.

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Is There a Missed Media Opportunity During the Olympics Opening Ceremonies?

We’ve been waiting for July 27, 2012 since the closing ceremonies of the 2008 Olympics and it’s finally here. However, today NBC has been met with a certain amount of backlash. In the digital age the expectation for instant satisfaction is prevalent in terms of media, news, and entertainment consumption, and NBC isn’t delivering.

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Digital is Becoming the New Definition of Marketing

This week, Crain’s Chicago Business published an article titled, “Line between traditional ad agencies, digital upstarts blurs. It highlights the increasing need and demand for digital media. Today, marketers are no longer having one-way conversations with consumers via traditional channels. Instead, marketers and consumers are engaging in two-way conversations, where consumers are becoming active participants and secondary marketers via multiple digital screens. This is the future.

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Are You Serving Up a Healthy Media Mix?

During American Idol’s widely popular Phillip Phillips’ season, Media Post published an article surrounding the success of a social Twitter campaign Flock to Unlock. This prime example of a healthy media mix leveraged traditional television to blow up the Twittersphere and create an earned trending topic around advertiser products. The combination of media channels created a well-rounded experience for engaged viewers, allowing them to easily connect with advertisers.

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Line between traditional ad agencies, digital upstarts blurs

Read the Entire Story on Crain's Chicago Business 

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Local Media, Ad Engagement, Mobile and Holistic Strategies

Marketers are finding more value in local, digital environments. According to BIA/Kelsey, advertising revenues from all local interactive and digital will grow 13% in 2012. For this year, top performers will include mobile search (up 77.2%), online video (up 51.6%), and social media (up 26.3%). Additionally, for some media, like newspapers, digital ad revenues will be the only source of growth. The growth in different local media segments will drive an overall increase making digital over 25% of the local ad market.

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The Everywhere Media Plan

Read the Entire Story on Digiday

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