Resource Center


An image of a man in a blurry crowd. His attention has been captured by his cell phone.
Jan 23 2024

3 Things to Know About Capturing Audience Attention in 2024

In today's near-constant state of distraction and multitasking, digital advertisers must focus on capturing attention. Learn more here.
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Strategy Resources

Marketing Intelligence Platforms - Moving from “Nice-to-Have” to “Need-to-Have”

Now is the time for businesses of all shapes and sizes to seriously consider investing in a marketing intelligence platform. Here's why.

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How does an Extension Work on a Google Display Ad?

To enhance standard ads, Google allows marketers to add contextually rich information about a business, product, or service when their ...

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Your Campaigns Are Beautiful. Now Your Data Is Too.

The difference between ordering a small desert and a small dessert could impact your dining experience. You partner may reject ...

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Make Digital Media Meaningful—Say Goodbye to CTR

The time has come, and it is long overdue. We need to retire using click-through rates (CTR) as a performance ...

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How Travel Marketers Can Begin to Recover From the Coronavirus Crisis

From increased targeting of local audiences to continued investment in brand awareness, we delve into how travel marketers can begin their coronavirus recovery.

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6 Strategies to Help Your Marketing Program Recover Post-COVID-19

Here we dissect a few key strategies you can start implementing to help your marketing program recover post-COVID-19.

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Your Campaigns Are Beautiful. Now Your Dashboard Is Too.

Campaigns starting. Campaigns ending. Campaigns pacing behind. Campaigns pacing ahead. Proposals awaiting a response. Messages here, messages there. The day ...

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The Art of the Subscription Box

This episode features PupJoy CEO Dustin McAdams,who shares what he's learned in his pursuit of offering the best customer care in the subscription services space.

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4 Guidelines for Selecting a Digital Marketing Agency

A digital marketing agency can launch you into the internet big-time. The problem, of course, is selecting the right digital marketing agency.

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