Learn how to utilize digital advertising automation to optimize bidding, manage inventory, control budget pacing, and more.
Learn how to utilize digital advertising automation to optimize bidding, manage inventory, control budget pacing, and more.
Brand responsibility will be a key element of advertising moving forward. Learn what it looks like and how to weave it into your campaigns.
The gaming opportunity, CTV myths, and greenwashing feature in this week's digest of the best digital marketing and advertising content.
If the complexity that characterizes digital marketing is a leading cause of employee dissatisfaction, how can companies lessen that complexity and carve out more time for the creative and strategic work that media professionals enjoy?
Seven insights from Presidential Innovation Fellow, Raashee Gupta Erry on the state of the programmatic in-housing ecosystem.
How can brands prepare for advertising in the metaverse? Learn why augmented reality is a stepping stone that can elevate your campaigns.
First-party data, web3, and brand authenticity are featured in this week's digest of the best digital marketing articles, POVs, and reports.
According to SXSW speakers representing US and global brands across industries, authenticity is a brand attribute that companies must be more conscientious and intentional about.
Learn when to use PMPs, and why programmatic marketers are spending more on PMPs than in the open exchange.