With misinformation and hate speech continuing to flood social networks, what can social media advertisers do to protect their brands/clients?
Articles, thought leadership, best practices, and advertising industry analysis from the Basis team.
With misinformation and hate speech continuing to flood social networks, what can social media advertisers do to protect their brands/clients?
"Riegsecker sees this investment as a way to continue Centro’s push towards becoming a centralized ad tech platform that can ...
"Advertising-technology company Centro has landed another $30 million from a Wall Street money manager to continue its fast growth. It's ...
"Centro has launched a new programmatic demand-side platform called Centro DSP, targeting independent agencies and mid-size brands that want to ...
Centro's advertising platform is used by advertising agencies to manage the workflow of their digital campaigns. Centro claims to have ...
Free yoga classes, fresh fruit, and gym membership reimbursements are only the beginning. Employees at this tech advertising firm also ...
Welcome back to a new addition of our Feet on the Street series. Big things are happening at Centro, particularly ...
Welcome to the latest Digital Innovations Awesome List (DIAL). We know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest ...
Digital ad tech firm Centro is doubling down on its demand-side platform (DSP) business, as the company on Wednesday announced ...
“One of the major problems [in programmatic advertising] is that there are two types of DSPs: those building for Fortune ...