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Masked Pro Wrestler in a Suit For His Day Job
Nov 9 2022

Four Pro Wrestlers Whose Day Jobs Needed Digital Advertising

A dentist, a plumber, and a teacher walk into a…pro wrestling ring? These digital ad strategies may have helped them succeed outside the ropes.
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Programmatic Resources

What Do You Mean You Don’t See My Ad?

Remember the good old days? When you used to treat yourself every day by curling up with your local newspaper or weekly magazine in your favorite chair? You’d turn the pages slowly, and even clip out a few ads or articles to post on the fridge or send to Mom.

This was the publisher-advertiser relationship at its best – our industry hummed along quite nicely when advertising was seen by the target audience and it caused them to act. At least one thing that will never change is that we’ll always strive for impact and rejoice when it occurs.

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Do's and Don'ts of mobile banner ads for luxury brands

  Read the Entire Story on Luxury Daily 

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Where’s the Luma Slide for Branding?

Up until now, the internet has been thought of as mostly a direct-response medium, in the eyes of marketers and brands. If all goes well, however, we should start to see a big shift in that view of online efforts.

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