Explore what's going on with consumer attention spans and how advertisers can capture attention in today's saturated digital environment.
In 2014, Americans spent an estimated $307 billion on travel. This figure seems lofty until you see the projected $337 billion consumers are expected to spend in 2016.. It’s also no surprise travelers are going digital to book their excursions, which presents a huge opportunity to reach plenty of eyes, on plenty of screens and devices.
But travel and tourism isn’t the only opportunity for marketers this summer. Once those trips wrap-up and the umbrella drinks cease to flow, back-to-school sales will be in full swing. Back to school spending leaves a forecasted &74.9 billion in retail sales up for grabs. As the second largest buying season, an increasing number of advertisers are turning to digital to not only influence the right consumers but reach them at the right time and on the right device.
Learn how marketers are reaching these hungry travelers and prepping them for a return to the classroom by checking out our infographics.