DIAL: Digital Innovations Awesome List (September 2019) - Basis Technologies

DIAL: Digital Innovations Awesome List (September 2019)


At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time-consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest list below!

What Marketers Are Moving In-House in 5 Charts [:03]

In-housing continues to be a hot trend and, programmatic buying is the most anticipated function marketers are bringing in-house this year. How are marketers gaining more control, who are they working with to streamline the process, and what functions are they not prioritizing to bring in house?

How Advertisers Are Untangling the Programmatic Supply Chain [:02]

Under pressure to prove the value of their programmatic ad spend, advertisers are becoming increasingly selective in choosing their ad-tech partners. With thousands of ad-tech middlemen littering the landscape and seemingly more entering daily, marketers are quickly realizing the need to be smarter about the outfits they partner with. (Hi, have you heard about Basis by Centro?)

A Reality Check on Advertising Relevancy and Personalization [:06]

­Recently a number of articles have popped up calling ad personalization into question, most notably one from the Wall Street Journal. Forbes contributor David Doty builds his case for why personalized digital experiences continue to be necessary to prove ad relevance and purpose for audiences.

ARF: The Price Consumers Put On Their Data [:03]

A new study by the Advertising Research Federation found that U.S. consumers have been pulling back the reigns on how much personal data they’re willing to share. The report examines what types of data consumers and willing to share and how much they value that data. The survey found several percentage point drops against what consumers were willing to share compared with the previous year.

Beyond the Cookie: Publishers Flirt With Generating Identity-Based User Content [:05]

With new data-privacy law requirements, publishers are looking for new ways to collect data about their consumers. The newest way is called authenticated consent which enables publishers to collect users’ consent based on identity-based signals rather than cookies, and make the user experience more consistent across multiple publisher platforms and devices in the process.

Privacy Evolving [:02]

Google recently released a study that showed that 52% of monetization drops when there are not cookies, while also announcing their release of a privacy sandbox aimed at limiting the amount of personal information that is exposed while creating some targetability. Watch for revisions in the IAB’s Transparency and Consent Framework, which will include standardized messaging templates for consumers as well as more granularity to communicate user privacy preferences.

Why Brands That Have Sense(s) Will Have the Strongest Identities [:04]

As consumers adopt new ways of consuming media, are brands prepared to adapt for a future in which multi-channel will evolve into multi-sensory marketing? This article explores moving beyond what we see and how it makes us feel, and into what we hear, smell, taste, and touch.

TV Broadcasters Are Hot on Addressable – But CCPA Might Hamper Their Plans [:06]

The California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) may very well disrupt audience-based TV advertising before it has a chance to take off. CCPA is considered one of the most developed state-based privacy laws and companies like WarnerMedia are trying their best to explain the value exchange of data collection to customers now. This way, they will not have to retrofit products with consent agreements in the future, but will it be enough?

VR Ads in 2019: What’s Working, and What’s Not [:06]

Venture Beat previously highlighted the keys to a successful VR campaign, noting that ad performance, turnkey distribution across platforms and live in-market demos were vital components. Now they’re looking to share new observations including why brands are moving towards more immersive ad experiences and how to fit goals to the format across stages of the purchase funnel.

These Are the Shady Tricks Shopping Sites Use to Get Your Money and Info [:03]

1 out of 10 shopping sites employ “dark patterns” to get consumers to spend more time, share more info, and spend more money on their sites. While some of these dark patterns seem obvious, others are a bit sneakier in how they pressure or even shame a user to perform a desired action. Read the article now, before it disappears in the next 5 4 minutes!!