Apr 15 2021

CTV Grows Dramatically In 2020 Digital Political Ad Spend

"Connected TV devices witnessed a dramatic increase last year.

Digital media programmatic advertising spend for the 2020 political elections was up nearly 300%, according to ad-tech company Centro. CTV devices grabbed a 19% share of political ad spend -- up from 5% in the 2018 midterm elections.

Mobile (phone) devices remain the dominant leader in political advertising spend, with a 46% share. Desktop is next at 31%, while tablets are 4%.
All three dipped in political advertising spend share versus 2018 -- mobile was 51%, desktop, 37% and tablets came in at 7%.

While ad spend skyrocketed, Centro says CTV devices only increased in share of impressions -- rising from 3% to 6%."

Read more in MediaPost.

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