Learn From 2019 to Prep for 2020 - Basis Technologies
Dec 12 2019
Clare McKinley

Learn From 2019 to Prep for 2020


Welcome to the roaring 20's! 2020 will be a defining year for advertising technology. With global cultural events like the U.S. presidential election and the summer Olympics just around the corner, advertisers will have many opportunities to connect with audiences in transformative ways.

To predict where 2020 will take us, it's important to understand how far we’ve come. Read on for an overview of the themes, trends, and tools that ruled 2019!

Data Privacy

  • In 2019, advertisers started to learn how to comply with new pieces of data privacy legislation, such as GDPR and CCPA. Both regulations are designed to protect individuals’ personal data.
  • According to a report by CapGemini, GDPR-compliant organizations are outperforming non-compliant organizations by an average of 20%.
  • Agencies will need to stay up-to-date on privacy legislation in 2020, as it’s likely that more regulations will be passed.

Universal Pixel

  • Universal pixel technology uses a single pixel to automate the creation and organization of first-party audiences. It eliminates the need for multiple audience and conversion pixels, reducing some of the manual labor it takes to set-up a campaign.
  • In 2020, universal pixel will continue to free up time for advertisers, allowing them to innovate further and refocus on strategy. Learn more about Basis’ universal pixel feature here.

Native Ads

  • Native Ads are growing fast! At the beginning of 2019, eMarketer forecasted that native advertising would account for 62.7% of total U.S. display ad spending, up from 54.2% in 2017.
  • Advertisers using Basis can easily schedule native ads through our platform’s creative editor. Inventory from eight premium exchanges allows ads to blend in with content a user is already engaged with. Learn more about native advertising with Basis here.

Advanced TV

  • Advanced TV dominated in 2019 and will continue to grow in 2020. According to eMarketer, U.S. marketers will increase their connected TV ad budgets up 28.0%, to $8.88 billion in 2020.
  • Connected TV has been ramping up for a few years now. Centro covered the ascent of connected TV via our Ask the Expert blog series in 2018 and 2019.
  • Basis is now Hulu Certified! Learn more here.
  • OTT found its footing in 2019, and we’re predicting that it will explode in 2020. Find out why on our blog.


  • Automation has been a major theme in our industry and will continue to transform ad tech in 2020.
  • Centro partnered with the 4A’s to collect data on where automation is headed. Check out our Future of Automation webinar for a summary of the findings!
  • Basis introduced multiple new features that automate workflow, from campaign planning all the way through billing and reconciliation:
    • Basis’ Optimizations Suite includes Machine Learning Optimization, Algorithmic Optimization, and Bid Multipliers.
    • Basis’ forecasting tool generates predictions based on how an individual campaign as well as by analyzing billions of impressions per day.

Whatever 2020 holds in store, it’s important to understand the background of how these themes and innovations have developed, in order to make informed decisions moving forward.

Do you have questions about any of the Basis features described in this post? Connect with us to learn more.

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