It’s been a busy few years for digital advertising industry regulators. How will the latest legislation impact advertising and marketing professionals?
At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time-consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest list below!
Magna Predicts Faster Than Expected Rebound [:03]
Magna’s latest US ad spend forecast paints an optimistic picture for the ad industry. With a quicker-than-anticipated economic recovery, supported by a new stimulus package, a decline in COVID rates, and the return to normal sporting events, revenues are expected to increase 6.4% YoY to $240 billion. Digital will capture two thirds, or 67%, of total advertising sales.
U.S. Ad Economy Contracts 7.3% in February [:01]
The U.S. ad economy contracted for the second consecutive month in February, dropping 7.3% from February 2020, according to a MediaPost analysis of data from Standard Media Index's U.S. Ad Market Tracker. In terms of media, digital continues to be the most resilient, actually posting an 18% gain over February 2020, while the national TV advertising marketplace declined 26.7% year-over-year.
When Precision Meets Persuasion, It's Time To Rethink Marketing [:03]
Marketers have struggled to think about the combination of brand and performance as unifying the strategic intent of precision and persuasion marketing. For precision and persuasion to come together, the emotional needs, functional needs, and transactional requirements of shoppers/audiences must be addressed simultaneously. This has required agencies to retool their approach, while in-house agencies have moved nimbly in response to the customer lifecycle.
Finally Some Clarity Around Google Ads’ Latest Privacy Announcements {:08]
IAB Tech Lab breaks down the recent Google privacy announcements for Users, Publishers, Advertisers, and Non-Google Ad Tech, as key granular identifiers will soon disappear. Also, be sure to read Centro's official POV on Embracing the Identity Crisis, here.
In 2020, Two-Thirds of Google Searches Ended Without a Click [:05]
In further proof of Google’s dominance, last year the search giant had more than 91% of the global market share worldwide, and over 87% in the US. From January to December 2020, 64.82% of searches on Google (desktop and mobile combined) ended in the search results, without users clicking to another web property. It's also worth noting that Google controls more than 95% of search advertising and over 50% of display ads in the US.
The Infinite Dial 2021 [:04]
Edison Research’s latest report, which acts as a “barometer on digital audio and other digital media consumption,” shows huge strides in podcast listening with approximately eighty million Americans–28% of the U.S. 12+ population–now being weekly podcast listeners, a 17% increase over 2020. Other insights show the increase in smart speakers, with one-third (33%) of Americans 12+ (approximately 94 million people) now owning a smart speaker, an increase of 22% from last year.
Why Advertisers Are Spending More on Podcasts [:02]
Advertisers are increasingly investing in podcasts as the pandemic boosts their audience, according to a report from Advertiser Perceptions. Marketers feel the medium is safe and has strong target audience potential, with a survey showing 56% feeling the pandemic has made podcast advertising more important, and 63% listening to podcasts themselves at least once a week.
The Buzzy, Chatty, Out-of-Control Rise of Clubhouse [:32]
What do you know about Clubhouse, the invitation-only audio social network that's skyrocketed in use since its launch in April 2020? Learn all about the rise of this phenomenon in Wired.
An Open Letter to Targeted Online Advertisers [:03]
With the stress of a cookieless future looming before us, marketers need a dash of humor. This piece of satire is funny because it’s true (or at least we hope it is!).