An Early Gift for Retailers: 2015 Holiday Retail Insights - Basis Technologies
Jul 27 2015
Basis Technologies

An Early Gift for Retailers: 2015 Holiday Retail Insights


If you’re in retail, it’s time to pack up your beach chairs and break out those Christmas lights, because retailers are already gearing up for the 2015 holiday shopping season. With holiday retail sales expected to hit $877.46 billion in 2015, and consumers projected to spend 10.1% of retail spending online by 2020, millions of dollars are at stake in-store and online for retailers this season. To ensure you’re capturing your holiday consumers (and some of your competitors’, too!), we’ve packaged up five key retail trends for 2015 and included advice on how to get everything you want this holiday season. The complete package consists of:

  • An infographic for quick reference and sharing with friends.
  • An e-Book for a closer look at the five trends and how to activate on them.

Unwrap the entire package to learn how to make the most of your holiday retail campaigns. The good news is – you don’t have to wait until Christmas! And in the meantime, here’s a little stocking stuffer of trends and tips to help get you started:

TREND #1: Marketers partake in a funnel-less world:

Holiday Tip: Focus on the moments that matter most – connect with consumers in the right place, at exactly the right time in order to attract and retain loyal customers into the future and beyond.

TREND #2: Retail disruptors create opportunity:

Holiday Tip: With disruptors such as social media and mobile currently defying retail norms, utilize custom storytelling and hyperlocal targeting to ensure your brand is top-of-mind in key shopping and decision-making moments.

TREND #3: Customer attention is down and brand competition is up:

Holiday Tip: To connect with consumers on a more personal level, develop plans specific to reaching different audiences with tailored messaging versus a one-size-fits-all approach.

TREND #4: Hyperlocal targeting is imperative to reaching consumers:

Holiday Tip: As local media continues to remain a valued commodity, think and execute creatively in order to reach different users across various markets and channels – wherever they are in the world.

TREND #5: It’s only July, but the holiday season starts now:

Holiday Tip: With 29% of consumers starting their holiday shopping before Halloween, now is the time to start making those holiday strategy lists and checking them twice!

Now that we’ve nailed down the basics, it’s time to map out your digital strategy now to maximize your holiday dollars later. So if you'd like to know more about these 2015 retail trends, our strategic insights team can provide a comprehensive presentation on the stats and data behind these trends, complete with detailed advice on how to thrive this holiday season. Reach out to your Centro representative today!

Get the eBook here!

Get the Infographic here! 
