Complexity, Job Satisfaction, and Automation in Digital Media - Basis Technologies

Complexity, Job Satisfaction, and Automation in Digital Media

Research shows that 37% of advertising professionals plan to leave their jobs within two years. With 90% of professionals agreeing ‘that the advertising industry has become significantly more complex,’ the top factor causing this (cited by 72% of those surveyed) is ‘the increase in different transaction methods for buying media.’ The data was compiled by research firm Advertiser Perceptions from a survey of 150 digital advertising decision-makers at agencies and brands. The report includes insights on:

  • Job satisfaction: Less than 25% say they are completely satisfied with any one aspect of their job – with ‘training and education’ and ‘technology to help with automation of tasks’ receiving some of the lowest ratings.
  • Workflow automation: 9 hours is the average time per week respondents estimate they could save through automation of redundant and low value tasks.
  • Technology complexity: The majority of advertising professionals use 7 platforms in a typical day and 9 platforms in a typical campaign.
  • Programmatic advertising: The biggest pain points in selecting programmatic partners are ‘pricing transparency’ (says 55%) and ‘lack of fully integrated technology’ (51%).

Want to learn about the complexity, job satisfaction and automation in the digital media industry? Download your copy of the report today.

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