Explore what's going on with consumer attention spans and how advertisers can capture attention in today's saturated digital environment.
Digital is evolving with the progression of new screens, devices, and technologies. When Charles Darwin developed his theory of evolution, he coined the phrase “survival of the fittest.” In this competitive, digital media environment, evolution is best described by the phrase “survival of those who execute best.”
Why is execution necessary for survival? Currently, digital media execution has become one of the main obstacles for growth, largely due to the reliance on outdated methods of planning, buying, and implementing media. Eye-straining spreadsheets, endless emails, continual phone calls and even archaic fax machines (what?!), are the primary channels for execution; these are not sustainable or realistic for the ever-changing landscape. They are costly, time-consuming distractions that stretch valuable resources.
In fact, many media professionals today are drowning in logistical work that prohibits advancement. In a past study that we conducted among media directors, supervisors, buyers, planners, and account executives, 85 percent of respondents indicated that they would prefer to spend more time on highly strategic work, but instead, they spend the bulk of their time managing administrative or logistical activities. Additionally, this workload often results in a 10+ hour work day. These findings uncover vast improvement opportunities that can significantly unlock creativity, specialization, and modernization.
Plain and simple, “smart” execution should never be overlooked; it is the heartbeat behind every creative idea. Companies will suffer from employee frustration, stagnant processes, and even worse, a future destined for failure if media execution is not given proper attention. Companies need to persistently evolve and change with consumer needs, while identifying new opportunities to create speed and alignment. These opportunities should be driven by innovative technology coupled with digital expertise. Otherwise, competition will prevail. We all know that for every Facebook, there is a MySpace who did not evolve fast enough.
The future is up for grabs; it belongs to whoever executes best…