Viewable Impressions & Time with Mobile Apps Rivals TV - Basis Technologies
Dec 15 2012
Basis Team

Viewable Impressions & Time with Mobile Apps Rivals TV

  • Quality Matters. 2013 is expected to be a new year rallied around viewable impressions. As part of the Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS) initiative, endorsed by the IAB, ANA and 4A’s, widespread adoption of viewable impressions as a measurement standard for advertisers and publishers is set to take root, according to AdWeek. This initiative is sparking an increased focus on quality, particularly for premium brands. Read More: Advertisers Ready to Make an Impression
  • Times are definitely changing… A recent eMarketer article reported that U.S. consumers spent more time in apps than on the web. And their time spent with mobile apps (127 minutes) was nipping at the heels of their time spent watching TV (168 minutes). Top mobile app usage categories included games, social networking, and entertainment. This is another indication that mobile should be a top priority for media, rather than an afterthought. Read More: Time Spent With Mobile Apps Rivals TV