September 1st Spells Digital D-Day for Adobe Flash - Basis Technologies
Aug 31 2015
Basis Technologies

September 1st Spells Digital D-Day for Adobe Flash


An industry-wide countdown is on. Like it or hate it, the end of Adobe Flash is upon us.

Adobe’s Flash has long been bemoaned for its lack of cross-platform compatibility and costly security flaws. At long last, the tide is changing. Google has announced that this Tuesday, September 1st, its Chrome browser will no longer allow Flash ads to play or animate on pageload. Instead, all Flash content (including ads) will be paused automatically.

This announcement preceded several very public actions taken in July by Firefox and Facebook, and now Amazon, all of which compound the call to end Flash, once and for all.

Now playing: HTML5.

HTML5, while not particularly new, will soon become the new standard in digital ads. HTML5, unlike Flash, works in the native language of the internet, allowing designers to create Flash-like experiences. But unlike the neatly bundled Flash ad, HTML5 ads are built out of many different components all working together to deliver an engaging interactive experience.

Like any new technological adoption, we’re sure to see a learning curve in an industry used to relying on Flash – but that’s where we come in.

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about the transition. For example, what happens if I don’t switch to HTML5? Or, how do I change the way I work if I use my own third-party server? To help ensure a smooth transition, we have answers to these questions and more in our newly released Resource Center.

Our in-house experts are updating this page regularly to keep you informed on the latest news about the Flash to HTML5 migration.

As always, reach out if you have any questions about this new migration to HTML5. We’re here to help.


Zach Moore

VP, Technical Ad Ops