DIAL: Digital Innovations Awesome List (February 2021) - Basis Technologies
Feb 1 2021
Ryan Manchee

DIAL: Digital Innovations Awesome List (February 2021)


At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time-consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest list below!

Two-Thirds of Global CMOs To Boost Spend and Scale-Up Tech in 2021 [:02]

A new report from the CMO Council finds that 65% of CMOs are planning to boost spending through 2021, with a heavy investment in marketing technology. Over 70% of marketers are turning to automation to improve efficiency and work more effectively.

Apple Says IDFA Changes Will Go Live ‘In Early Spring’ [:03]

Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that in early Spring the company will start requiring apps and advertisers to get permission before they can use the IDFA for tracking and ad targeting. Apple claims “unlimited personal data” is not necessary to provide a good digital experience and says this move will give app users control over how their data is handled.

What the F**k Is FLoC? Google Opens Up on Post-Cookie Roadmap [:03]

Google has opened up on its new approach to delivering and measuring ads sent to Chrome users once it finally lays the tired third-party cookie to rest. The incoming scheme has been the subject of much fear and speculation due to its market-shaking potential. The Drum explores what we can expect from FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts).

Google Claims FLoCs Can Be Nearly As Effective As Cookie-Based Ads [:05]

Google’s Chrome browser is making its case for interest-based cohorts—or FLoCs (aka, federated learning of cohorts) —available for public developer testing starting in March. On Monday, Google shared the latest results of its own experiments with the FLoC API. Google says its simulations demonstrate that cohorts can drive around 95% of the conversions per dollar spent when compared with cookie-based advertising.

The Future of Video Gaming is Bright—Even As Real Experiences Return [:04]

Globally, the video game industry was one of the best equipped to handle the turbulence of 2020. Not only did engagement skyrocket as consumers stayed at home, but the industry pivoted to ensure it was doing everything it could to keep consumers engaged. Branded crossover events, virtual concerts, and celebrity influencer participations all fueled a groundswell that shows no signs of receding—even as the COVID-19 vaccine promises to allow people to be together again IRL.

Who's On First? Why Mobile Increasingly Isn't My 'Second Screen' [:03]

Every new medium gets on base by comparing itself to the most established and valuable medium, and for most of the last century, that's been the television screen. So it shouldn't have been surprising that mobile screens—both hand-held smartphones and tablets—would be characterized as the "second screen" relative to TV. But increasingly, it's actually the primary one.

Inside Big Tech’s Podcasting Goldrush [:08]

This year, 38% of marketers are planning to boost podcast spend. That will drive one in every five digital audio ad dollars toward podcasts in 2021, equating to over $1bn. The major tech players, from Spotify to Apple, are making big moves with increased investments to develop and acquire quality content, ramp up distribution, increase scale, and offer innovative advertising solutions.

How ‘Horizontality’ Is Driving M&A in Ad Tech [:02]

Speaking at Adweek’s Outlook 2021 event, Terry Kawaja, CEO of investment bank Luma Partners, said ad tech will see continued investment activity around CTV, data & identity, mobile app, and audio as companies look to strengthen their positions and expand their core competencies.