Albert Thompson of Walton Isaacson explores how buyers can blend automation with human expertise to drive more successful programmatic campaigns.
What's the deal with fake news anyway? It's become the latest hot topic – especially in the online media industry.
Fake news goes beyond the tabloids you see in line at the grocery store or the funny articles you read in The Onion. It is defined as deliberately published hoaxes, propaganda, and misinformation, masquerading as real news – and often social media is utilized to drive web traffic to amplify the effect for financial or political gain. This spread of false information has presented real problems across several industries in the online ecosystem.
So, as an advertiser, how can you avoid your ads being placed near fake news stories or on websites that carry fake news and perpetuate the cycle?
This all comes back to the idea of brand safety. As we discussed on our blog in March, brand safety is relative to the brand in question. What one company considers brand safe may not be considered brand safe for another company. Whether you are an advertiser, an agency, or a company that handles their own advertising, it's important to establish what you determine to be brand safe and what you do not.
While fake news may seem like it's all over the internet, there are ways to combat it through digital media technology and Centro DSP specifically. We are committed to ensuring your standards of brand safety are met, through a multitude of ways:
Allowed list capabilities: Handpick and target sites and apps that contain approved content. This is recommended for advertisers who have run previous campaigns and have an understanding of which sites and apps work best for them.
Block list capabilities: Select specific sites that you know may not be brand safe or contain a prominent amount of fake news, and choose not to run your campaigns on those sites.
Third-party technology partnerships: Centro DSP partners such as DoubleVerify can scan pages to make sure advertising runs on appropriate content. DoubleVerify specifically has a brand protection segment called “Inflammatory Politics & News (Fake News)."
For more information on DSP technology or on Centro DSP, visit our website or email