Basis Technologies 2023 Holiday Shopping Trends Report - Basis Technologies

Basis Technologies 2023 Holiday Shopping Trends Report

Looking for an edge with your Q4 campaigns? This research report, based on a survey of 2,000 US consumers age 16+ and conducted in partnership with GWI, provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of holiday shopping—giving you a strategic advantage when planning and fine-tuning your advertising efforts for the 2023 holiday season.

Insights include:

  1. Anticipated Holiday Celebrators: Compared to last year, the number of people anticipating holiday celebrations is expected to decrease slightly. However, the spirit of the holidays remains strong, with Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's continuing to be the most commonly celebrated occasions.
  2. Gift Giving as a Cornerstone: Despite the changes in celebration trends, gift-giving remains a central way for people to express their holiday spirit and connect with loved ones. This underscores the enduring importance of gifts during the holiday season.
  3. Shifting Shopping Timelines: Holiday shopping timelines are shifting, with many individuals now planning to start their holiday shopping as early as October—a departure from traditional patterns. This shift presents unique opportunities for retailers and marketers to engage consumers effectively.
  4. Online Shopping on the Rise: With the convenience and accessibility of e-commerce platforms, more and more people are choosing to shop online for their holiday needs. This trend is expected to continue its upward trajectory this year and into the future.
  5. Inspiration from Personal Connections: When it comes to gift ideas, personal connections play a pivotal role. Many consumers are gaining inspiration for their holiday gift choices from sources such as the gift recipient themselves, friends, family members, and online sources through search and social platforms.

And that's just the start. Want access to all the insights, numbers, and forecasts for this year's holiday season? Download your copy of the report today.

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