Video, Digital Ad Spending and TV Engagement - Basis Technologies
Sep 28 2012
Basis Team

Video, Digital Ad Spending and TV Engagement

  • Online video had another record-breaking month. According to comScore, 188 million U.S. Internet users watched 37.7 billion online content videos in August, while video ad views totaled 9.5 billion. Overall, video ads reached 54% of the total U.S. population an average of 58 times during the month. Additionally, video ads accounted for 20.1% of all videos viewed and 1.4% of all minutes spent viewing video online. Read More: comScore Releases August 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings
  • The digital ad spending market is approaching maturity faster than expected, according to eMarketer. Marketers will spend $37.31 billion on digital advertising in 2012. Spending will rise 16.6% this year, and will experience double-digit growth through 2014. Additionally, display ad spending, which includes banner ads, video, rich media and sponsorships, will rise from 40.2% of total digital ad spending in 2012 to 45.6% of the total in 2016. Display growth will outpace search this year largely driven by video and sponsorships. Read More: US Digital Ad Spending to Top $37 Billion in 2012 as Market Consolidates
  • A newly report by Ericsson ConsumerLab supports the rapid evolution of media consumption through simultaneous and paired usage of media channels. While TV notably remains a prevailing means of content consumption, other media channels play a critical and growing role in enriching the user experience. For example, The study found key drivers leading to social TV behavior (e.g., the need to gain a sense of community, a curiosity for other opinions, and the opportunity to interact with and influence others). Read More: A new era for television beckons social, mobile engagement and Ericsson’s TV and Video Study