With misinformation and hate speech continuing to flood social networks, what can social media advertisers do to protect their brands/clients?
It’s no surprise that consumers are ingesting digital content at greater speeds and on more devices than ever before. What’s challenging is that consumers are willing to skip and click out of anything that gets between them and their content. So what’s a digital marketer to do?
As Centro’s Aubry Parks-Fried (pictured prepping below) explained in our recent 3Ton30 webinar, the solution is to go native!
Aubry Parks-Fried strikes a power pose to prep for #3Ton30 with @Centro! pic.twitter.com/P7RSm6fe8S
— Raechel White (@raedudoubleb) January 20, 2016
As Aubry explained, social content is native content. Consumers value social because it’s timely and trusted. In fact, consumers would rather learn about a brand’s products through content, not traditional advertising. The stats are clear: consumers aren’t just stopping by social platforms, they are spending a lot of time there. For advertisers and brands, investing ad dollars in the social space is a no-brainer. And for good reason. Social content is the most effective kind of native advertising there is (eMarketer).
#socialmedia makes up 60% of native ad spend! Are you advertising on social? #3Ton30 — Ashley Nix (@AshleyLizNix) January 20, 2016
Facebook has the reach of the #SuperBowl, every single day. You HAVE to take advantage of this advertising strategy! #3ton30
— The Partnership (@PartnershipATL) January 20, 2016
1 out of 5 mobile minutes is spent on Facebook or Instagram! #3ton30
— JayRay (@JayRayAdsPR) January 20, 2016
#Snapchat generates 6 BILLION video views per day. That's BILLION.... with a "B". #3Ton30 #socialmedia #marketing
— Susan Ann Roper (@susanannroper) January 20, 2016
93% of Pinterest users utilize the platform for planned purchased. #3Ton30
— Candace (@PRandBLover) January 20, 2016
So what can you do today to improve your digital campaign with social placements? Aubry shared four key steps:
"Don't be afraid of native social advertising." Great tips from #3ton30 by @Centro #socialmedia
— Bailey Fuqua (@BaileyFuqua) January 20, 2016
Thanks for a great presentation, @mrsapf! Fantastic webinar packed with useful, timely #digitalmarketing information #3Ton30
— Susan Ann Roper (@susanannroper) January 20, 2016
Thanks to all those who attended! Keep your eyes peeled for a complete list of questions and answers we were unable to tackle during the webinar.