Tweet-Cap: ad:tech NY Day 2 In 140 Characters or Less - Basis Technologies
Nov 5 2015
Basis Technologies

Tweet-Cap: ad:tech NY Day 2 In 140 Characters or Less


In the blink of an eye, day two of #adtechNY has flown by. The themes from day one, including ad fraud, targeting specific audiences, and new means of campaign measurement set up day two. Overall, the message from day two centered on turning day one insights into action. The second day kicked off with an insightful keynote on protecting your brand in the digital sphere, while also maintaining relevance within the industry.

One point of discussion included the methods to best reach your target audience, with a focus on leveraging the most successful platforms, utilizing various ad mediums, and where and how to publish content. The tactic that received the most hype? Programmatic creative. The consensus was clear: regardless of data, KPIs or strategy, personalized and powerful creative will always be successful for digital campaigns.

We’re glad you joined us the past few days for ad:techNY and hope you had a great time like we did.