Albert Thompson of Walton Isaacson explores how buyers can blend automation with human expertise to drive more successful programmatic campaigns.
There’s a quote, “The man who stops advertising to save money is the man who stops the clock to save time.” Some say Thomas Jefferson coined the phrase while others say it was Henry Ford. Either way, we get the point. Advertising, marketing, digital – they’re all essential to success.
The concept is simple. Yet, I think if you took a quick poll of your colleagues, most of them would say digital advertising today is far from easy nor is it common sense. For many, it’s a chaotic approach that feels more like a digital Armageddon than anything else. Will our campaigns (and our sanity) survive the battle?
On the positive side, the explosion of digital media presents us with new opportunities around every corner, at every moment of the day (and night). But if you’re late to the party, digital no longer means throwing out a few good ads across every channel and waiting for the automatic deposits to roll in. That was so 2012.
Today, whether you’re a media buyer trying to build an innovative plan or a CMO trying to create business impact – boosting the bottom line and showing performance, is, well, the bottom line.
The best approach? A sound performance plan to support your initiatives – a variety of metrics and measurements to determine the outcome of your efforts.
A great place to start are the 5 Pillars of Performance: Audience, Channel, Execution, Exposure, and Response. Placing these strategies as the cornerstones of your campaigns will help you build a brand that stands the test of time.
Tune back in over the course of the next few weeks to learn in detail about what exactly each pillar entails and what you can do to get started. Questions on this approach? Give us a shout – we’re ready to support your every digital need.