RTB Zeitgeist: Top 10 things you need to know about programmatic - Basis Technologies
Nov 25 2014
Basis Technologies

RTB Zeitgeist: Top 10 things you need to know about programmatic


Republished from the SiteScout Blog

At its recent Programmatic Summit in Los Angeles, the IAB highlighted 10 things people should really know about programmatic advertising. Here are some of the key takeaways.

Programmatic is big and it’s getting bigger. Real-time bidding (RTB) and programmatic aren’t exactly one and the same because RTB is actually just a subset of programmatic. Also, programmatic still has its fair share of challenges to overcome if it will to truly live up to its potential. While fraud and trust are particularly challenging issues, they’re being addressed by the industry through the development of an accountability program, as well as other initiatives.

Measurement is even more important in a programmatic environment. Attribution is also critical in order to make programmatic spending more efficient. Finally, creativity and programmatic are not enemies.

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A super accessible beginner’s guide to programmatic buying and RTB

Given programmatic’ growing ubiquity, it’s crucial that clients understand exactly what it means.

Programmatic buying just means that the buying of ad space is automated. There are two types of programmatic buying: programmatic direct and programmatic real-time bidding (RTB). RTB, basically, serves users with online ads wherever they are on the internet. Ad space is bought auction-style on an impression-by-impression basis, the price of each impression being determined by what buyers are willing to pay for it in real-time.

Programmatic direct is the automation of a process wherein guaranteed ad space is bought without the auction format. It’s also known as ‘automated guaranteed,’ programmatic guaranteed’ and ‘programmatic premium.’ For a more in-depth explanation, check out eConsultancy’s beginner’s guide to programmatic buying and RTB.

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Now even wearables have programmatic ads

Programmatic ads can now be served to people’s wrists.

A new wearables ad network called FitAd has started facilitating automated promos for Amtrak’s Acela Express service to people who like to golf at courses along America’s Eastern Seaboard. The ads are being served to those who’ve downloaded a mobile app called Golfshot on their Sony or Samsung smartwatches.

FitAd is only running on Android wearables at the moment, but it will be expanding to iOS systems soon. Expect even more ads to come to wearable tech very soon. WPP media agency Mindshare recently unveiled its own global wearable tech group called Life+. It will operate across across wearables including Google Glass, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Garmin devices and the Jawbone fitness wristband.

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