The Personal Side of Programmatic - Basis Technologies
Sep 16 2015
Basis Technologies

The Personal Side of Programmatic


The definition of programmatic buying goes something like this:

Leveraging technology to replace human-based methods by automating the buying, placement, and optimization of digital media inventory.

Sounds extremely hi-tech and not so hi-touch – yet there’s a lot of industry chatter about how programmatic actually helps you build personalized connections to your customers.

Somewhat confusing, we know. So let’s take a closer, more ‘personal’ look.

By leveraging the power of technology, programmatic creative enables marketers to build, deploy, and optimize endless variations of customized and relevant messages all at scale. The reason this is so important is because today’s customer demands personalization – a simple (or sometimes complex) sign that as an advertiser you understand their wants and needs. Gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all approach which poses an interesting challenge as mobile users and social audiences grow to record numbers. The only way to keep pace? Programmatic technology. It’s the smartest way to reach any audience, large or small. Near or far. Nuanced or not. In the simplest of explanations, technology, such as a DSP or a social management platform, carries the load while your valuable audience data guides the way.

So the next time you want to reach, say, seventy five thousand potential customers on Facebook, with the right programmatic partner you can. And not only that, you can do so with a tailored message or product offering to boot. Chances are, there aren’t enough hands in your department to do that manually.

Whether you call it dynamic creative, real-time creative, programmatic creative -- we call it essential for success in today’s landscape. To learn how to get started, including three key factors to consider, listen to this video featuring Ryan Manchee, Senior Director, Digital Innovations.