Northeastern Peeps Are in Centro’s Thoughts - Basis Technologies
Nov 2 2012
Basis Team

Northeastern Peeps Are in Centro’s Thoughts


Update: We’re happy to report that most all of the Centro employees in the Northeast region are back on their feet, even in spite of the snow the most recent Nor’easter dropped on the region. In true Centro form, the NY office peeps are already busy organizing a fundraiser so they can donate to the New York Cares Hurricane Sandy Relief Effort. Go Centrons!

As the East Coast tries to recuperate from the ravages of Hurricane Sandy, Centrons in the Chicago home office and across our 28 other locations are wishing the best for our Northeast Region Peeps.

According to Jason Tosney, Vice President of Sales for the Northeast Region, area offices in Boston and in Washington, DC were mostly unaffected by the storm but the New York and New Jersey offices have been closed due to lack of heat, water and electricity.

“When the storm hit, our number one priority was to ensure that our staff, clients and industry friends were safe. Once that was established we’ve been using our limited cell service to ensure that our staff has shelter.”

Jason said that about 50 percent of Centro’s New York City and New Jersey staff is displaced from their homes right now, a situation aggravated by lack of available hotel rooms. But in true Centro fashion, none of that was at the top of mind as the situation was developing.

“Our employees are so resilient, they were all worried about ‘How are we going to get to work’ and ‘I’ve got campaigns to finish’ which is awesome. Thankfully DC and Boston have picked up our work as we wait to get our lives back online.”

Centro’s Giving Tree collaborative is in the process of figuring out how to best help from afar, but in pure Centron fashion coworkers with electricity have opened up their homes to the displaced as they wait for the city to roar back to life. “We’ve just all banded together,” said Jason.

From all of Centro to our Peeps in the Northeast: Our thoughts and prayers are with you.