Navigating Hype Cycles in Advertising | Noor Naseer's Presentation at SXSW 2024 - Basis Technologies
Mar 15 2024
Noor Naseer

Navigating Hype Cycles in Advertising | Noor Naseer's Presentation at SXSW 2024


Advertisers have had a lot on their plates in recent years, as they’ve navigated the lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic uncertainty, ever-increasing media complexity, the emergence of AI and, of course, third-party cookie deprecation.

Amidst these dynamics, the allure of hype can be irresistible—particularly when a new technology, product, or solution promises a shortcut to making life better for marketers. But not all “trends” are alike, and while some of these technologies and solutions are real game changers, going all-in on the current hype won’t necessarily make a lasting impact on advertisers’ core challenges.

So, how can advertising leaders distinguish between solutions that are over-hyped from those that are hyped, well, appropriately?  

Noor Naseer, Basis Technologies’ VP of Media Innovations + Technology, dug into this issue in detail in her presentation at SXSW 2024 in Austin. Check out the recording below to see all her insights and recommendations around navigating hype cycles on-demand: 

Want to dive further into Noor’s presentation? Click here to download the slides from her talk.