Multi-Channel Touch-Points, Welcome Invite to Mobile Ads
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. According to a recent study, marketers, agencies, and publishers may recognize that a seamless experience across channels is important for consumers, but they are not yet following their targets down that path. By shifting to a more holistic approach along with more inter-departmental integration, marketers can benefit from stronger branding experiences. If consumers are shifting screens, shouldn’t marketers too? Read More: Are Marketers Missing Multichannel Opportunities?
A recent IAB study unveils that mobile advertising is a key driver of shopping. Additionally, “when it comes to perceptions about mobile advertising, the majority of respondents (70%) agreed that mobile advertising is a welcome personal invitation from brands, rather than an “invasion.” These are encouraging findings, particularly for marketers who are still testing the waters with mobile. Like all advertising, mobile ads should continually translate into inviting and compelling experiences. Read More: Convenience & Mobile Ads Rank as Top Drivers of Mobile Phone Shopping Activities
It’s been a busy few years for digital advertising industry regulators. How will the latest legislation impact advertising and marketing professionals?