Mobile Growth a Sign of More to Come - Basis Technologies
Apr 25 2012
Basis Technologies

Mobile Growth a Sign of More to Come


How is mobile changing the media landscape? According to a new forecast from Strategy Analytics project, mobile ad spending worldwide will grow 85% in 2012 from $6.3 billion to $11.6 billion. In the U.S., the technology research firm predicts mobile advertising will grow even faster, more than doubling (up 128%) to just under $4.2 billion.

What does this mean? We’re at the precipice of another paradigm shift in display advertising, from a fragmented mobile and desktop web to a once-again unified internet. We’ll access it from our phones, our tablets, and our computers, but what we’ll see across those devices will all be the same. It is being born from what we today call ‘mobile’, and those advertisers who embrace that direction now will have the easiest time transitioning as it proliferates throughout our digital media landscape.