Mobile Expansion, Holiday and Digital Music Sales - Basis Technologies
Oct 5 2012
Basis Team

Mobile Expansion, Holiday and Digital Music Sales

  • Mobile is expanding reach and frequency with multi-platform news consumption. According to a new Pew research study, 64% of tablet owners and 62% of smartphone owners use their devices for news at least weekly, and a third of U.S. adults get news on a mobile device at least once a week. Findings also indicate that half of mobile news users sometimes or often notice ads when they’re browsing news on mobile devices. Additionally, roughly 15% click on ads when getting news and about 7% actually purchase. Are mobile and news sites part of your media plan? Read More: Future of Mobile News and Infographic
  • A relatively happy holiday season is expected this year. Deloitte, forecasts a 3.5-4% increase in holiday sales. Additionally, Deloitte forecasts a 15-17% increase in non-store sales. Nearly three-quarters of non-store sales result from the online channel. Deloitte also anticipates that mobile-influenced retail store sales will account for 5.1% ($36B) in retail store sales this year during the holiday season, driven by consumers’ store-related smartphone activity such as product research, price comparison or mobile application use. Read More: Deloitte Forecasts 3.5 to 4 Percent Increase in Holiday Sales
  • Music to our ears! According to Nielsen, digital album sales in the U.S. are up 15% from the same period last year. The explosion of devices on the market– such as smartphones and tablets– and their increasing role in consumers’ everyday lives has played a major factor in the growth of digital music. Consumers are plugged in and listening which offers great marketing opportunities. Read More: 2012 Digital Music Sales on Pace to Break Record