Looking Forward: Centro @ CES 2016 - Basis Technologies
Jan 4 2016
Ryan Manchee

Looking Forward: Centro @ CES 2016


We are a few days away from the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and our plans are shaping up nicely.

This will be Centro’s fifth year attending the global consumer electronics and consumer technology tradeshow, that takes over Las Vegas at the beginning of each new year. Our goal is to not only see the latest and up-and-coming consumer technology, but to also understand the implications of these devices and innovation for marketers. This is especially relevant as consumers continuously adopt new gadgets and adapt their media habits as a result. In recent years, more and more advertisers and adtech companies have descended upon Vegas to learn, network, and showcase their new capabilities. We’re excited to walk the exhibit hall floors and geek out on all the exciting new possibilities that lie ahead.

What types of tech are we looking forward to seeing at CES this year? Here’s what we’re predicting will be trending topics at the show as well as into the upcoming year:


Last year we saw more fitness and health trackers than we could count. Will the front-runners continue to innovate and add more features and functionality? Or will a startup leapfrog the already-established names like Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, Withings, and Pebble? We’re also keeping an eye on advancements in the integration (read: app) that sits on the consumer’s smartphone for most of these devices. Could we see the door open for a rise in wearable-related advertising?

Prosumer 2.0

The next generation of professional quality, consumer friendly technology (in both price and ease of use) is on the rise. One of the biggest areas of focus is on video, from 360 degree to 4K (and beyond). How can consumers and marketers capitalize on this video content, particularly with the rise of image and video focused social platforms? We’re also interested to see what companies will do for solutions around image recognition and verification.

Advanced TV

What will the next generation of connected TVs (via OTT devices, TVs that are built smart, or even gaming consoles) look like? Where does search and discovery play a role and how will consumers evolve their video consumption habits on connected devices with the biggest screen and the most prominent placement in homes? TV is everywhere but audio has seen growth in both consumption and ad spend, as well. Could 2016 be a year of audio everywhere?

Location Based Services

Will beacons make a splash and deliver on the promise (or at least the desire) to provide on-premises messaging? Or perhaps something new will be introduced that can create a value exchange for consumers and marketers.

No matter what, CES will be filled with innovations and insights that will surely leave us fired up and ready to take 2016 by storm. If you’re there, let’s meet up! Drop us a note at digital.innovations@centro.net to schedule some time during the show.

If you aren’t making it to Vegas, we will be tweeting and ‘gramming our experiences, using #CESbyCentro, if you want to follow along live. Otherwise we’ll be back with a recap of what we experienced and what we think is important for marketers to set their sights on as 2016 gets into full swing.