It’s Time to Join the Mobile-Forward Movement - Basis Technologies
Jun 25 2015
Basis Technologies

It’s Time to Join the Mobile-Forward Movement


Did you know the average consumer spends 127 minutes in mobile applications a day? That’s nearly an hour more than people spend on the Web and just 41 minutes shy of the 168 minutes Americans spend watching television on a given day. It’s an opportunity worth investing in – and marketers are starting to dial in. In fact, the $101.37 billion to be spent on ads served to mobile phones and tablets worldwide next year represents a nearly 430% increase from 2013. It’s clear that mobile advertising is becoming a staple in many media plans. What about yours?

VentureBeat recently reported that a national consumer goods company, working with Kroger – the country’s largest supermarket chain by revenue and second-largest general retailer – achieved almost a four times increase in the number of customers visiting Kroger to buy its product, after releasing a geo-targeted mobile advertising campaign that focused on factors such as device data, location history, and offline purchase data. With the right information and tools, you can grow your consumer base and achieve these kinds of results too. To learn how to get your message in front of the people who matter most – at exactly the right moment – download this e-Book. Inside, you’ll find tips on the new school strategy of mobile and how to keep pace with your mobile customers. If you like what you see in the e-Book, check out our think:tech presentation at ad:tech San Francisco this year, too: The New Rules of Mobile Advertising: Hyperlocal or Bust.

Get the eBook now!