Innovation, Industry Shifts Require, Online Newspapers
With innovation, there are more possibilities. Conversely, resistance to advancements can lead to slower progression. Marketers are often faced with a dilemma of when and how to integrate emerging technologies, such as mobile, particularly when resources are scarce. In the article below, the author suggests taking action but ensuring it’s not a random step forward. This is a key point to highlight; marketers should evaluate available resources and bandwidth to determine if outside expertise is needed to successfully execute a strategic and cost-efficient action plan. Read More:The Marketer’s Dilemma
In a recent HfS study, 9 out of every 10 enterprises indicated that they will be increasing or maintaining their reliance on either, or both, outsourcing and shared services over the next three years. According to HfS, “those organizations being impacted by radical, fundamental shifts to their very industry economics, are more prepared than ever to look outside of their current organization boundaries to improve the cost-competitiveness of their business operations and better align them with their global needs.” The media industry is experiencing some of the most radical shifts, which opens the door to new approaches that will pave the path to continual growth. Read More:Which industries are more inclined to outsourcing versus shared services?
According to eMarketer, “U.S. spending on print newspaper advertisements will dip another 6% in 2012 to $19.4 billion; however, digital ad sales for newspapers are doing better—they are expected to increase 11.4% this year.” Online newspapers are seeking more digital opportunities, relying on targeting and new ad formats; they are also incorporating more mobile. This shift further proves the need to innovate and embrace digital opportunities as they unfold; otherwise, revenue may suffer in an attempt to catch up with the ever-changing media industry. Read More:Newspapers Look to Targeting, Video to Boost Flagging Revenues
It’s been a busy few years for digital advertising industry regulators. How will the latest legislation impact advertising and marketing professionals?