Feet on the Street: Where in the World is Centro? - Basis Technologies
Aug 15 2014
Basis Technologies

Feet on the Street: Where in the World is Centro?


We got so much done last week, we figured this was a week to play! We’re arming our reps with all kinds of treats and sending them to the streets to get a few more kicks out of these last days of summer. Does it look like we’ll be near you? Email us at events@centro.net and we’ll loop you into the fun!


What: Agency Take Over – GSD+M – Tuesday August 19th

Who’s going?  Jodie Dover

Where:  Austin, TX

What’s going on? Centro will be at the GSD + M offices with some ‘ques and brews! We’ll be grilling up some Austin favorites and icing some beers to send off summer.


What: Agency Take Over – Piston Agency – Tuesday, August 19th

Who’s going?  Lisa Olszewski

Where?  San Diego, CA

What’s going on?  Lisa will be headed to the Piston Agency to set up an ice cream sandwich bar for an afternoon treat.


What’s going on? Power Perk – Osborn Barr– Wednesday, August 20th

Who’s going?  Kelly Wietuchter

Where?  St. Louis, MO

What’s going on? Centro will be bringing a Fire and Ice Cream truck at the Osborn Barr offices to wind down the afternoon with some frozen favorites.

What? Agency Take Over - Vizeum NYC - Wednesday, August 20th

Who’s going?  Pat Thornton  + Joe Pospisil

Where? New York, NY

What’s going on? We love this cookout the theme! “Turn up the Heat” with our Centro reps at Vizeum in NYC as we hand out the suds and sliders! Photo booth will be onsite to document the fun.


What? Power Perk – Osborn Barr - Thursday, August 21st

Who’s going?  Kelly Wietuchter

Where?  St. Louis, MO

What’s going on? Kelly is back on the road with our friendly Fire and Ice Cream truck! This time we’re bringing dairy delight to our buddies at HLK.


That’s the full week! Keep your eye on our events page to see what’s around the corner!