Feet on the Street: Where in the World is Centro? - Basis Technologies
Jun 22 2015
Basis Technologies

Feet on the Street: Where in the World is Centro?


Welcome back to our Feet on the Street series. It is a big week for Centro, with some fantastic events in the pipeline. Our 3T Programmatic Roadshow is firing on all cylinders as it comes into the home stretch, so if you want to get the latest tips, trends and techniques in programmatic, come join us! If you’d like additional details on where we will be or would like to set up a meeting or demo of Centro DSP, email us at events@centro.net. We’d love to chat!

What: Cannes Lions 2015 – June 21st – 27th

Who’s Going? Shawn Riegsecker, Ben Pashman

Where: Cannes, France

What’s going on? Cannes Lions is global creativity festival that aims to share and spread the power of creativity for business. Creativity can be a driving force for business, for change, and for good. Centro is on-site for all the action.


What: 3T Seattle - June 23rd, 2015 @ 10:00am

Who’s going? Heather Robertson, James Koesigneker, Jun Wang, Kami Kauzlarich, Marty Winner, Matt Sauls, Maya Hasson, Mike Olson, Mike Nedved, Ryan Manchee, Steve Dagg, Dan Raffe

Where: Seattle, WA

What’s going on? Anyone who’s worked in digital advertising knows – it’s a jungle out there. We all want to be the best we can be at our jobs, but technology advances so rapidly, it can be hard to survive. To help you feel confident about executing killer campaigns and tackling the latest questions from your clients, Centro is hosting 3T Programmatic – where you’ll learn the latest tips, trends and techniques on the fastest growing segment of digital. This is our seventh stop on the roadshow.


What: 3T Los Angeles - June 25th, 2015 @ 5:30pm

Who’s going? Amy Belton, Ashley McBrearty, Ben Sarmiento, Christian Gonzales, Denisse Cobian, Heather Robertson, James Koesigneker. Garrett McClure, Jessica Hilgers, Jun Wang, Leah Holzman, Matt Sauls, Michael Thill, Mike Olson, Roberta Thomas, Ryan Manchee, Steven Torices, Dan Raffe

Where: Los Angeles, CA

What’s going on? Our 8th and final stop on the 3T Programmatic Roadshow! We’ll be going out with a bang so be sure you sign up and join us!


What: TechWeek Chicago – June 26th

Who’s going? Shawn Riegsecker

Where: Chicago, IL

What’s going on?  Top entrepreneurs gather to discuss what it takes to be an exceptional innovator in the tech industry. Each executive shares their insight on how to run a tech company, excel, and scale a startup business. Get the latest update on the recent technological happenings and join the entrepreneurs for some of their most valuable tips. Centro’s Shawn Riegsecker will be on the panel Making Waves on the Third Coast and Beyond: Chicago’s Top Tech Entrepreneurs along with Shradha Agarwal, George Bousis, and Justyn Howard. The panel will be moderated by Howard Tullman.

We hope that you will be able to join us. Let's make it a great week!