Meta is getting rid of fact checkers on Facebook & Instagram and loosening guidelines on Hateful Content. What do the changes mean for advertisers?
At Centro, we know that keeping up with the trade pubs and latest trends can be tough and time consuming. To make that easier, we’ve compiled all the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you may have missed, but should definitely read. Enjoy our latest list below!
IAB: Identifying Cross-Channel Audiences Key to Marketers In 2016
A recent IAB study identified cross-device audiences as the greatest priority for marketers in 2016, followed by programmatic media buying. See TapAd’s recent $360m exit. Also check out these projections for Top Trends in Mobile Advertising and Data Science.
The mix of holiday and mobile brought in $5.6 million for the leading social network. 80% of that was powered by their push in the mobile space. This upward trend isn’t slowing either -- eMarketer expects Facebook to receive nearly 1/3 of all US display dollars this year (31%).
Build, Buy or Rent: Snapchat's Biggest Challenges Building an Ad Platform
With advertising in its infancy on the rising social media juggernaut, Snapchat is actively pursuing the best means to appeal to advertisers through more meaningful targeting and an ability to drive performance. This is very reminiscent of Facebook from 2+ years ago.
A new mobile, social app called Peach burst onto the scene in January. It’s a hybrid of several apps (Snapchat, Slack, and Twitter), has generated a lot of chatter, and even a NYTimes piece. But don’t get ahead of yourself! As Berger states, “Research we conducted demonstrated that things that catch on faster tend to die out faster.”
FTC Takes Aim at Native Advertising
As display placements dwindle, native is enjoying its time in the sun. With that attention comes the FTC who recently released a 12 page guide on native advertising. Most above-the-board native suppliers have little to worry about. However, the biggest area to watch is naming conventions. Some of the more frequently used terms like “promoted” (as seen on Facebook and Buzzfeed) have been deemed too ambiguous and confusing to consumers. To date, no action has been taken against these sites and the units are still in rotation.
Top PTV Trends: Disruption and Opportunity in 2016
Get the top four programmatic TV trends to look out for this year, according to SpotX, including highlights on the industry’s first move toward guidelines, led by the Television Bureau of Advertising (TVB).
2016 State of the Broadcast Industry Report
Ooyala explores key topics affecting the broadcast industry, including the impact of over-the-top devices, changes in technology, and the growth of live streaming.
Google Backs FCC Proposal for New Set-Top Box Rules
The FCC is seeking to create a new means for consumers to watch TV content on Smart TVs, tablets, and other devices. To date, many consumers are battling the hassle of leasing set-top boxes through a cable company with limitations on where and when to view. If passed, the FCC proposal would enable devices like Roku, Apple TV, and smartphones to display cable content directly.
Header Bidding: The Industry’s Cronut?
Has header bidding become adtech’s biggest buzzword? Learn more about what header bidding is and why it may not currently be necessary for video.
Thanks for tuning in and be sure to look out for next month’s Digital Innovations Awesome List!