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Our month-long celebration of culture is slowly winding down. To help us close it out, we are bringing you one last look at Centro’s internship program. Eleven weeks long, the program helps interns (or Centerns, as we like to call them) fully immerse in Centro’s culture, understand the business world, and become familiar with the advertising technology landscape at-large. Coffee runs and making copies were NOT part of this intense curriculum!
For us as a whole, the most rewarding aspect of this program was that we saw how much these Centerns grew over the course of the summer. They came in each day with a renewed sense of excitement and for that – and many other things – we truly want to thank them. Their hard work, open minds, and dedication to making Centro a more unique and successful environment clearly showed. If you’d like to learn more about our internship program or to submit your application, send an email to talent.development@centro.net.
Wilbur Chen, Data Science (Chicago)
University of California, Irvine
I get to work with all sorts of people throughout the design process, and they all give constructive feedback. Knowing that I’m creating something valuable that will help other people really motivates me to do my best. Centro is such a great environment to work in because the people are so passionate about what they do. I love all the learning opportunities at Centro, both within and outside of the Centern program, especially the lunch-and-learns! To prospective Centerns – have fun, go to as many events as you can, meet new people, and challenge yourself! This really is an amazing opportunity for both personal and professional growth.
Megan Duffy, Events Marketing (New York)
University of Connecticut
The most rewarding part of my internship was how much responsibility I was given. My team always felt confident in my ability complete the tasks that I was dealt, and was always there to bounce an idea off of or offer advice when I ran into an obstacle. I was able to see the tangible results of my hard work, and gained so much knowledge and experience because of that. Working among people that are so passionate, dedicated, and driven made me want to be the best version of myself, and I am so proud to say that I was able to work for Centro. To any prospective Centerns out there –dive in head first, don’t be afraid to ask questions, and absorb as much information as possible, because your internship will come and go in the blink of an eye!
Sydney Davis, Media Strategy & Operations (Chicago)
Washington University, St. Louis
I worked with various teams and essentially jumped in wherever I was needed, but my core intern project was planning and executing a pro bono campaign for a non-profit of my choice. I selected The Gathering Place, a cancer support center in the Cleveland area that offers free services to cancer patients, their friends and their families. My favorite part of the program was the sheer amount of responsibility I was given. Planning my own campaign was the perfect hands-on experience I needed to realize just how much I enjoy advertising and more importantly, working at Centro. The people at Centro are passionate, welcoming and straight-up cool, and I’m always excited to go to work.