Meta is getting rid of fact checkers on Facebook & Instagram and loosening guidelines on Hateful Content. What do the changes mean for advertisers?
The Challenge
Heading into the fall semester, a local university needed to boost enrollment numbers in its core and specialty programs. To do this, the university needed to drive awareness to those programs, as well as bolster its online application submissions. The client’s overall target audience was prospective students, ages 17 to 30, with additional emphasis on targeting prospective Latino students within the designated market area (DMA). The client would measure website traffic to its specialty program pages as a success benchmark, optimizing creative messages according to performance. Finally, the client would measure the number of completed online applications.
Centro’s Digital Solution
To achieve the necessary awareness, Centro recommended a cross-platform approach that included both mobile and desktop. The strategy was comprised of local endemic content placements, audience targeting tactics, and streaming audio. In addition, a paid search campaign was implemented, targeting specific keywords such as ‘enrollment,’ ‘transfer,’ and individual program terms. Throughout the two month campaign, the Centro team built weekly reporting and optimization schedules, focusing on the campaign’s CTR, creative engagement, and online application metrics.
Boosting Enrollment
The client was ecstatic with the results. The campaign produced 169 completed online applications and a website CTR of nearly three times the industry standard. Additionally, the weekly reports and optimizations yielded great business insight for the client. These performance optimizations taught the client how to develop its own strategies in future campaigns.
At Centro, we offer a modern approach to digital media. With over 13 years and 100,000 campaigns to our name, we leverage advanced technology, proven tactics, and industry expertise to build campaigns around the channels and platforms that drive the greatest results for our client’s specific business needs. People and technology are at the heart of Centro, and are the essential parts in every #CentroInAction story.