Press Releases

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Press Release ARticles

Half of Marketers are Not Prepared to Succeed in a Cookieless World; Majority Won’t Use UID

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Basis Technologies Named the No. 1 Ad Age Best Place to Work in 2024

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Basis Technologies Enables Single Sign-On and Log-Level Data Availability for Advertisers

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Basis Technologies is the First DSP to Integrate Google Ads Performance Max Campaign Reporting

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Basis Technologies and Jounce Media Automate Blocking of Ads on Low quality Websites

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Basis Technologies and LG Ad Solutions Announce Exclusive Partnership for Connected TV Political Advertising

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Direct Digital Holdings Partners with Basis Technologies on Buy- and Sell-Side

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TV Ads Influence Millennials Holiday Gift Buying 34% More than Average Consumer

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Basis Technologies Integrates Snapchat Ad Management and Reporting

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