It’s been a busy few years for digital advertising industry regulators. How will the latest legislation impact advertising and marketing professionals?
Happy December, everyone! As we look to close out the year, we figured we would give you one extra gift for the holidays – the last Digital Innovations Awesome List (DIAL) of 2014! The DI team knows how tough and time consuming it is keeping up with the latest trends and trade publications, and wanted to make it easier for you to find the articles, reports, and other bits of awesomeness you probably missed, but might have wanted to read. Please enjoy the newest list!
Google Just Admitted More Than Half of the Ads it Serves Are Never Seen
Size, location, and context matter when it comes to viewability, according to the latest Google research. Find the full report here. Also, see Pixalate’s Trust Index here.
3 Must-Have Features for Successful Native Ad Campaigns
Native advertising is continuing to grow in popularity. In order to keep up with this growth, you should understand the ins-and-outs of successful native ad campaigns. To yield the desired results, check out these three must-have features for native.
We Need a Different Conversation About Social Video
With all of the social video platforms out today, it can be easy to view each one with the same train of thought. Instead, we let’s think about these platforms with a different mindset and look for a YouTube “killer”.
Why Nielsen Measuring SVOD Viewership is Potentially a Very Big Deal
The new Nielsen data will unlock some of the secrets to Amazon and Netflix viewership. Why is that such a big deal? It opens the door for SVODs to take big chunks of the video market away from TV. Plus, let’s be honest, you can’t binge-watch three seasons of Breaking Bad on TV.
Nielsen Calls for Industry to Adopt New Ratings Standard
Today, consumers have more control than ever before — and media companies are being forced to adapt to the new realities of what people watch, and when they watch it. We know how some media companies are adapting, but how is Nielsen adapting to these new rating standards?
TV IS OVER: Mobile is Demoting TV to the Status of Newspapers in Viewers and Ad Money
TV still has a massive audience and commands substantial ad revenues. But TV audiences are simply just not as big as online audiences, especially with mobile continuing to grow. Could TV be the new newspaper? And what impact is mobile really having on TV? Let’s find out.
Why Ruffles Moved its Entire Ad Budget to Digital
When your target consumers are spending the majority of their time watching video online, it makes sense to advertise online through video, especially when sales increase YOY. Check out Digiday’s take on this shift and see what implications it could have on your ad budgeting.
ComScore Refines In-App Ad Metrics
VCE Mobile has expanded with new partners and new measurement capabilities – including mobile video. This movement by ComScore could open the door for more companies to add in-app ad metrics for continuous tracking.
Twitter to Start Tracking Which Apps its Users Have Downloaded
If you are on Twitter you may want to keep an eye out. In an effort to boost ad effectiveness, Twitter wants to know more about you and what apps you have on your device. Could it be the new ‘NSA’ of digital ads? We sure hope not.
Thanksgiving Day Mobile Holiday Purchases Outpace Previous Years
With all the delicious food, most of you probably ended up in a food-coma. But if you somehow managed to stay awake and do some holiday shopping on your mobile device, just know that you weren’t the only one. What else were you going to do? Uncle Joe went into his hour long war stories again.
More Than Just an iFad: Apple's Programmatic Push
More high-quality mobile app inventory is now available with Apple’s latest iAd shift to programmatic. Now Siri will be able to do more than just entertain you when The Walking Dead is on and there is a commercial break.
Tumblr Launches Mobile-Only Sponsored Apps
With 65% of its audience accessing its platform through mobile devices, this new ad format makes sense for Tumblr. But does it make sense for advertisers? MediaPost takes a deep dive into this new format and you need to check it out!
60% of Shoppers Welcome Beacons, 30% Redeem Offers
Though beaconing is still young (no, not Neil Young), early results from numerous trials are showing positive and measurable results. If you are not using beacons, you may want to start considering it before you fall “behind the 8-ball.”
That wraps up our DIAL series for 2014. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a happy new year. But don’t fret –we will be back in 2015 with some more awesomeness!