RTB Zeitgeist: Mobile Marketers Are Gung-Ho About Programmatic, But Few Are Using It - Basis Technologies
Apr 14 2015
Basis Technologies

RTB Zeitgeist: Mobile Marketers Are Gung-Ho About Programmatic, But Few Are Using It


Republished from the SiteScout blog.

According to the IAB’s recently released 2015 “Marketer Perceptions of Mobile Advertising” report, most marketers are keen on mobile programmatic, but only a few have actually bought mobile ads programmatically.

The report revealed that 67 percent of the 200 marketing executives polled think mobile programmatic is important, while 41 percent believe it will help them reach a specific audience, But only 27 percent have bought mobile ads programmatically. One theory to explain the disparity is that there are only a few automated ad formats available, with banner ads being most predominant. Marketers need more mobile options.

The report went on to show that 65 percent of marketers are putting more money into mobile now than in 2012, and that nine percent of marketers have increased their mobile budgets more than 50 percent over the past two years.

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Mobile, video, and real-time bidding drive growth in programmatic

Programmatic ad-buying tools are driving an increase in the number of digital ads being sold through programmatic platforms, says new in-depth research from BI Intelligence. That’s particularly the case for ads sold via real-time bidding, especially mobile and video RTB advertising, which will help drive total programmatic ad revenue in the U.S. to approximately $15 billion in 2015.

The research, which is an update on BI Intelligence’s June 2014 programmatic report, found that the U.S. digital ad market will reach a programmatic milestone this year, with programmatic transactions accounting for a majority of of non-search digital-ad spend at 52 percent.

The research also revealed that programmatic advertising spending is growing at about 20 percent annually,and real-time bidding spending is growing faster than programmatic overall. The report found that programmatic expertise is increasingly diffusing through the agency and brand ecosystem, and advertisers and publishers are quickly adopting programmatic buying and selling tools.

Read more from Business Insider…


Kellogg’s spoon-feeds its secret recipe for programmatic prowess

Kellogg’s, known for its programmatic prowess, provides a strong model for brands looking to make the most out of the space. The breakfast-foods powerhouse uses a variety of platforms, from open exchanges, to private exchanges, to RTB. So far, it’s achieved much success, experiencing a significant performance improvement, with a 24 percent year-on-year increase in targeting efficiencies.

Kellogg’s believes that automation leads to ad efficacy rather than efficiency. Its programmatic approach is anchored in the notion that transparency and metrics are crucial components of a successful programmatic strategy. The brand has built an in-house programmatic team. With that expertise at hand, it’s begun moving into the more challenging realm of programmatic video after four years as a display mainstay, addressing challenges such as inflated video CPMs and pressure for videos to be viewable and appear on premium sites. Kellogg’s is beginning to see video as a brand-building opportunity.

Read more from the Drum