May 28 2015
Basis Technologies

Publisher News: Industry Insights


Growth in Video Advertising
Video consumption is at an all-time high and, due to developments in device and app capabilities, mobile video presents a huge marketing opportunity to advertisers. Some tips for capitalizing on mobile brand presence include tapping into the consumer experience to create unique content, and providing that content in an interactive format. Check out the full article!

Growing SMB Digital Business
A recent eMarketer article touched on the biggest digital marketing needs of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Most SMBs in the U.S. cited a lack of time, knowledge, and advertising budgets as their largest hurdles toward creating a digital strategy. How can you help? Small and medium-sized businesses look for an understanding of their organizational needs, delivery on commitments, post-sale support, and depth of content in regards to support. Get additional insights.

Auto Ad Spending Races Ahead
After the retail industry, the automotive industry is the second-largest digital ad spender in the U.S. in 2015, accounting for over 12.5% of total digital ad spend. A new eMarketer report predicts that the industry will spend $7.3 billion on digital in 2015, with that figure rising to just over $12 billion by 2019. eMarketer found that roughly 60% of those auto dollars are spent on direct response campaigns, leaving room for marketers to capture more branding budgets in the future. Learn more here!